Welcome to the second annual Mindscape Holiday Message! No substantive content or deep ideas, just me talking a bit about the state of the podcast and what’s on my mind. Since the big event for me in 2019 was the publication of Something Deeply Hidden, I thought it would be fun to talk about the process of writing and selling a popular book. Might be of interest to some of you out there!
Mindscape takes off for the holidays, so the next regular episode will be published on Monday January 6. It’s a good one — maybe my favorite episode thus far.
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Thanks for listening!
It always fills my heart when high achieving people are also humble and genuine. And it seems to me you are very often a clear example of this. Thanks for keeping us company with your insightful explorations. This year your podcasts, guests and books have been with me in many moments – road trips, fun holidays, and also when my dad was having surgery. Making me think about something bigger than us is somewhat refreshing and detaches from daily problems. I am not a patreon, but I bought your last books and left good and deserved amazon reviews. Hope to have made my small contribution 🙂 Good luck with your scientific quests this year, I am sure they will be successful. Happy holidays and best wishes for the 2020 to you and your inquisitive listeners.
Thank you for keeping going with this podcast for 2019, I’ve enjoyed the variety of guests you have. I gather you have quite a few people lined up already, but I have one suggestion, Peter Wohlleben. He is a forester near Bonn in Germany https://www.peter-wohlleben.de/about-me-c87221 and an author of books including “The Hidden Life of Trees” https://www.worldcat.org/search?q=peter+wohlleben&dblist=638&fq=ap%3A%22wohlleben%2C+peter%22&qt=facet_ap%3A discussing forests and ecology.
Please will you include a transcript!!!
Thanks for these podcasts Sean, really. These podcasts are very interesting, rewarding because of many guests and your wide area of interest. I found them just few months ago from youtube, so bit a newbie in that way, though I have watched your speeches there at youtube beforehands. I’m mostly interested in physics and especially its foundations, but many topics interest me. I have studied theoretic philosophy and so I’m interested in physics from mostly that wievpoint. But as I said I like your podcast because of your wide area interest: physics, politics, philosophy, arts, information, tecnnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, mathematics etc.
Thanks and Happy Becoming Year 2020!
Hi Sean, it would be great if you could arrange a podcast interview with physicist-philosopher Ruth Kastner in the coming year, a key exponent of the Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, and spar with her on your respective positions and contending perspectives (e.g. Many Worlds vs Transactional) on the subject. Also, it would be great if you could come to Singapore some day to deliver lectures and public talks on topics that you specialize in with book signing opportunities for science geeks as some of us possess the entire collection of your popular science publications. Hope to hear from you in due course regarding these suggestions. Best wishes for the NY, JP.
Hi Mr. Carroll,
thanks for the great Podcast with so many different interesting topics, it constituts itself as some kind of .
I am a non-practicing biologist and have a theory regarding consciousness.
Consciousnes is an – maybe holisticly or quantum-computationally generated (no circuits) – integrated and filtered reaction in a sufficiently complex (living) system of its information processing capacities (brain) to the entirety off all exterior and interior stimuli and neuronal processes.
Hi Mr. Carroll,
thanks for the great Podcast with so many different interesting topics, it constituts itself as some kind of
somehow lost the words.
Dear New York Times Bestselling Author
aka Mr Carroll
Congratulations and thank you for sharing your experiences on this podcast because I feel like you are a great advisor!
I could like to ask if You are able to be a mentor for another podcast ?
Mary Chan