Being: Human

cover6-150Anticipation is growing — in my own mind, if nowhere else — for the release of The Big Picture, which will be out on May 10. I’ve finally been able to hold the physical book in my hand, which is always a highlight of the book-writing process. And yes, there will be an audio book, which should come out the same time. I spent several days in March recording it, which taught me a valuable lesson: write shorter books.

There will also be something of a short book tour, hitting NYC, DC, Boston, Seattle, and the Bay Area, likely with a few other venues to be added later this summer. For details see my calendar page.

In many ways, the book is a celebration of naturalism in general, and poetic naturalism in particular. So to get you in the mood, here is a lovely short video from the Mothlight Creative, which celebrates naturalism in a more visual and visceral way. “I want to shiver with awe and wonder at the universe.”

Being: Human from Mothlight Creative on Vimeo.


19 thoughts on “Being: Human”

  1. Very nice Video I have already pre-ordered your newest book. I look forward to reading it

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this, Sean. I look forward to your book and look forward to watching that video another hundred or so times.

  3. Portland, Oregon would be a good stopping point for you between San Francisco and Seattle!

  4. I’ve finally been able to hold the physical book in my hand, which is always a highlight of the book-writing process.

    Congratulations! I know exactly what you mean. With me, until I’m able to put the physical book into my wife’s hands, it doesn’t really exist.

    I’m much looking forward to the book itself.

  5. Moving Naturalism Forward – great vid! Loved it.
    I too work in this area (natural informatics), but I also find it hard to locate other individuals qualified to contribute to (or collaborated with) in this area. Can you point me to worthy resources/ institutes/ individuals to approach (besides those from your 2012 symposium – barely scratched the surface, I thought). I look forward to seeing how far you take this matter in your forthcoming book. The current description/status of my own project is linked (click on poster’s name) reference. Thanks much for your work and your blog!

  6. Thank you for taking the time to read your book for the audio book. I’ll see you in DC.

  7. Tell me, Sean, if we can’t test the MWI of quantum mechanics, how is that any different from not being able to test the idea that the supernatural exists? By definition, the supernatural is supposed to be “BEYOND” the material world. Hence, unable to be probed or tested experimentally. Just like MWI.

  8. San Diego, please!

    And I bet the always amazing and fiercely independent Mysterious Galaxy bookstore could be persuaded to carry at least one non-fiction book and host an event. They’re used to PhDs: They recently hosted Vinge and Brinn events.

  9. Nice video Sean


    MWI is a speculative suggestion flowing from other science, so it belongs to the scientific/reductionist enterprise. The supernatural, of course, does not. I suspect that is why MWI appeals to the reductionist. Another reason being a possible preference for a ‘no creator’ framework; the reasons for that preference are another debate: maybe one is that we may feel more important, capable and independent that way in the big scheme. Or a we may dislike the associations we carry concerning the character of this possible creator. MWI remains, as you imply, a ‘faith’ position of course.

    Still not sure how we could reduce all the amazing plethora of ‘parameters’ of our conscious and analysed existence, whether emotional, relational, mathematical etc etc and wind them down to exactly and incontrovertibly nothing. Even a quantum fluctuation needs a physical/mathematical framework to work against. Perhaps the answers are in the book.

    Perhaps we should be open to the influence of a being operating in the high order infinite, and the high order infinitesimal, after Cantor/Godel. Hard to rule out from what we know we don’t know of mathematics, and therefore perhaps physics, isn’t it?

  10. Sean, if you’re taking Acela, you’ll be passing through your hometown…might as well stop?? 🙂

  11. I’m not a naturalist, but I am a physics major and I absolutely love your blog. I’ve also already pre-ordered the book.

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