TEDxCaltech Talks

Talks from the TEDxCaltech event are gradually coming online. You’ll definitely want to check out Scott Aaronson’s contribution, which was a clear highlight. (The biggest highlight was the closing jam session featuring keyboard wizard Lyle Mays and Tuvan throat-singer Ondar. You heard right.)

Bloggy narcissism demands that I feature my own talk. It was about the arrow of time, with some Feynman thrown in. As usual, the clip is frozen at at point that shows me to best advantage.

Cosmology and the arrow of time: Sean Carroll at TEDxCaltech

But just to show it’s not all about me, you should also see this talk by awesome undergrad Jordan Theriot. I would have been a puddle of nervous jelly in this venue at that age.

TEDxCaltech - Jordan Theriot - The Pleasure of Finding Things Out

10 thoughts on “TEDxCaltech Talks”

  1. Peter Ozzie Jones

    Great stuff Sean, nice slides too.
    One Q, could it be a universal Turtle and not a chicken that began our universe?

  2. Excellent talk Sean. I learnt a lot.

    But I have to ask, where does bloggy narcissism start and shameless self-promotion end? 🙂

  3. But Sean, after nearly a week, you still haven’t raised the glass in praise of the single, one-of-a-kind, amazing CalTech basketball victory.

  4. Pingback: 14 billion years in 7 minutes | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine

  5. Pingback: 14 billion years in 7 minutes | Cosmic Variance | Theoretical Physics

  6. Pingback: Danny Hillis on Richard Feynman | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine

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