
A handful of fun things that shouldn’t pass unremarked:

  • Natalie Wolchover, an aspiring science writer, has started a fun blog called Facto Diem. For those of you who didn’t attend Catholic school, that’s Latin for “Fact of the Day.” (Or a close enough facsimile.) I didn’t even know there were that many facts in the world!
  • In the more venerable sections of the blogosphere, Chad Orzel is running a poll concerning the most amazing application of lasers. Considering that “death ray” is not among the options, it’s a pretty good list.
  • We should also link to Scientia Pro Publica #27, over at Melliferax. (Clearly Latin is the lingua franca of the science blogosphere.) Most of the posts involve living things in some way or another, but they should nevertheless be of interest to those of us with more inorganic inclinations.

5 thoughts on “Blogginess”

  1. Re SPP#27, It seems like the life sciences dominate the science-related part of the blogosphere somewhat. The majority of submitted articles to the carnival I hosted were on biology or medicine, and I had trouble finding good articles representing other scientific disciplines in the short time I had. I suspect this has also been a problem for past hosts, and will be for future ones, so please do help out by submitting articles!

  2. Wow, thanks for the link to “Facto Diem.” Just had a look at it – nice! Now Following.

  3. Thanks for posting this, Sean. I’ve had some really interesting new visitors and comments all day.
    And yes, I went the route of catchy rather than grammatically correct Latin for the title. Had I gone to Catholic school I’m sure I wouldn’t be so cavalier!

  4. Thanks for the link to Facto Diem. I’ve read a bunch of the back posts and this looks like a great site for my “read daily” folder. The posts are reasonably short so they can be read quickly, but provide interesting information about a wide range of topics.

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