Playing the Audience Like a Xylophone

This was originally relegated to a tweet, but it deserves to be elevated to a blog post. Bobby McFerrin, at the World Science Festival, demonstrating the pentatonic scale. A rare combination of joy, passion, and teaching. I dare you not to smile at the 0:42 mark.

World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale from World Science Festival on Vimeo.


30 thoughts on “Playing the Audience Like a Xylophone”

  1. There was an interesting program , The Music Instinct, on PBS last week that featured Bobby McFerrin and other musicians. It examined the science of how our brains respond to music and questioned whether our response to music is hard-wired or learned. Bobby impressed me as being a very good musican and a very smart and articulate guy. It can be seen at .

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