Stephen Hawking Hospitalized

As you may have heard, Stephen Hawking has been rushed to the hospital after falling very ill. He has been struggling with a chest infection for several weeks, and has had to cancel some public appearances. A press officer from Cambridge University later added that he has improved, and is now in comfortable condition.

Not much to add, except that we all hope for a speedy recovery, and that is back writing papers and giving lectures before too long.

Update: Associated Press, reporting from another statement released by Cambridge, says Hawking is expected to make a complete recovery.


7 thoughts on “Stephen Hawking Hospitalized”

  1. Can anyone explain what are the important scientific contributions that Dr. Hawking has made? I am sure he has done a lot for cosmology and black hole physics (e.g. Hawking radiation?)… But somehow his fame for publishing “the Brief History of Time” and “the BriefER History of Time” is greater than his research work to the general public…….

  2. I can’t believe proffessors’ of something.. something.
    O don’t remember the title but was the same position newton held, are recomended to retire at percisely the age of 67. I find it ironic and this incident may prove a sign that it might be best for him to retire. But i don’t know anything really/ Stephen Hawking has always been one of mu heroes and I hope he will continue to do freat work for science that his famous for.

  3. Pingback: The next Hawking | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine

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