Karl Rove is Following Me on Twitter

Yeah, I got a Twitter account. Part of my continuing plan to take over all forms of modern social media. And besides, if I am struck by a deep thought while sitting in an airport waiting for a delayed flight, don’t you deserve to know about it right away? Of course you do.

And emails like this make it all worthwhile:

Hi, Sean Carroll (seanmcarroll).

Karl Rove (KarlRove) is now following your updates on Twitter.

Check out Karl Rove’s profile here:


Now if I could get Shaq to follow me, I’d hit the big time.

(Note that Rove has 13,373 followers, and is himself following 13,369 feeds. Clearly there are four Twitterers out there who really pissed him off.)

p.s. I am a lagging indicator, so if you’re not already using Twitter, you are hopelessly backwards.


10 thoughts on “Karl Rove is Following Me on Twitter”

  1. You are getting filed in my ‘celebrity’ category on tweetdeck along with Felicia Day, Penn Gillette, Charles R Darwin, Neil Gaiman, Brent Spiner, Cory Doctorow, John Cleese, Bruce Sterling and Stephen Fry. I will inform them that they should all feel special to share such company as yours 🙂

  2. Sorry Sean – Twitter is the 3rd most pointless part of the internet. It was relevant for 5 minutes early last year. And plz to note I am hopelessly ahead and not behind – insulting people who don’t adopt [Twitter|Facebook|Second Life] as being neo-Luddite is a farcical strategy, even when done in your disingenuously self-deprecating manner. I was tired of Twitter before you ever heard of it.

    We’ve moved on. Twitter == FAIL. In fact the “FAIL” meme is even aging better than Twitter, and FAIL is pretty freaking over.

    Sorry for the snarky tone, but as a longtime resident of the web’s bleeding edge I’m pretty thoroughly sick of being told what lame app I should be using.

  3. Pingback: Want a Job at Best Buy? Better Have 250 Twitter Followers | Discoblog | Discover Magazine

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