33 thoughts on “USA! USA!”

  1. Joanne,

    I had the same reaction to Jesse Jackson’s tears.

    Sean, it’s time to get serious about getting you appointed to DOE or DODE (department of dark energy) secretary. Since Dark energy is 70% of the universe and regular energy only 5%, this seems like a much bigger job.


  2. Sean “Let’s take this country for a spin and see what it can do”.

    Oh dear, that word “spin” again. We’re all too familiar with it in the UK, and let’s hope Obama doesn’t turn out to be a grinning vacuous Tony Blair Mark 2. Some of Obama’s policies sound a bit socialist, which doesn’t bode well. I wonder if everyone will feel so ecstatic in four or eight years’ time.

  3. John R Ramsden “Some of Obama’s policies sound a bit socialist ”

    if only. sadly he isn’t even 10% socialist.

    this euphoria reminds me of the mid-1990s. then we had “tony blair and the string theorists”–what an awful rock band they turned out be.

    back in the present, any lingering hope of progressive politics must be dashed by barack hussein obama’s new white house chief-of-staff: rahm israel emmanuel, a former snake-charmer from chicago. forget change, but enjoy the irony.

  4. For the millionth time, Obama is not a socialist, and his policies aren’t even close to socialist. He’s not even left-wing. Obama is a right-of-centre liberal. And to prove himself, like Kennedy, he will govern even further to the right. But he and Biden were still by far a better choice than the unstable McCain and pig-ignorant Palin. So congratulations USA.

  5. Cryptographically anonymous

    So, who won the vote count prediction contest?

    The commenter “Joshua Zucker”, apparently.



    Tantalizingly, our averaged predictions were within 1.1% of the actual outcome – and the median, 0.7%!

    The mean (unweighted — sorry) prediction was that Obama would win 53.6 percent of the McCain/Obama popular vote, while the median was 53.2. The average standard deviation was 1.2%.


    Everyone, a round of applause for the invisible hand.

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