You Are Here

Birthdays are a good time to reflect on one’s place in the universe. Via Data Mining, here is a map of the blogosphere, on which we have helpfully circled Cosmic Variance.
Blogosphere Map
The original map is interactive, so you can click on each circle to visit the corresponding blog. We are in a good neighborhood, close to such elite properties as Majikthise, Bitch Ph.D., Lance Mannion, Shakespeare’s Sister, Eschaton, The Huffington Post, and Talking Points Memo. At the top you see a big black dot (Engadget) and an even bigger looming orange dot (Boing Boing); the thicket at the right is filled with blogs I know nothing about, which tells you something, although I don’t know what.

Thanks for visiting, everyone! I wonder what this will look like ten years down the road.


8 thoughts on “You Are Here”

  1. Best birthday wishes to all at CV. The interactive map is a blast; it led me to all manner of entertaining material. Have you located Lubos and Woit in amongst the other, predominantly perhaps less right-on, dots?

  2. Lubos is too far to the right to be visible. Peter is not connected because there can’t be any strings to attach him to the rest of the blogoverse since strings don’t exist.


  3. Happy Birthday 🙂

    Thanks for the map – that is great! I am waiting for someone to do the same with the refers-to and cited-by mess on the arXiv.

    Best, B.

  4. Jason M. Hendler

    Are there any blogs on gravity? Looking at this map, and understanding that Newton’s laws on gravity don’t seem to work on a galactic scale, leads me to believe gravity is actually a pushing force or pressure within the medium, and not a pulling force within a mass, but I can’t find anyplace to discuss this.

  5. Jason,

    With all due respect, you would be investing your time unwisely discussing that possibility. You may find a discussion on this somewhere on the interenet but it would fall into the realm of what is politely referred to as “crackpot” theories.

    There are plenty of F. A. Q.s on the old usenet (now google) newsgroups sci.physics and sci.physics.research that should answer your questions about the nature of gravity.



  6. Jason M. Hendler


    Instead of calling such a theory “crackpot”, please state some observation or fact that would make such a theory obviously false.

    The observation I point to, that the speed of stars circling the galactic center is constant until you reach the visible edge of the galaxy, is clearly in violation of Newton’s inverse square law, but makes sense if gravity is acting from the outside and is effectively blocked by galactic mass / density reached at the visible edge. Otherwise, you would have to have variable gravity theories to explain it, which seems far less likely.

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