Going to California

Some of you may know that I’ve been on the job market. The good news is that I’ve officially accepted a position at Caltech, starting in September. It’s a fantastic research environment, and they are building up in cosmology at the moment. Also I understand the weather is pretty nice, so I’m excited about the move.

The job itself requires a little explication: I’ll be a Senior Research Associate in Physics. According to Caltech’s classification system, this is a faculty job (“Caltech’s equivalent of a research full professor,” as they put it to me) but not actually a “professor” job. Basically I get to concentrate on doing research — no teaching required, although I’m allowed to volunteer — and can apply for grants and hire postdocs (and even serve on committees!) just like any other faculty member. The downside is that there is no tenure, although it’s not a term-limited job; I can in principle stay forever if the money holds out and they don’t want to fire me. In the meantime, I’ll have the freedom to work on some of the more ambitious cosmology ideas that have been percolating in the back of my mind for a while.

I have to express my gratitude to everyone who has been incredibly supportive during the entire process, from my close friends to strangers on the internet to famous scientists around the world to Marc Kamionkowski and the others who did such a good job recruiting me to Caltech. I’m sure I will miss Chicago at times, but the future looks really bright, and I can’t wait to get it started.


68 thoughts on “Going to California”

  1. Congratulations! I spent two years at Caltech as an undergraduate (having transferred as a junior after two years at a community college) and it was an amazing place to be. You should be very happy there (and I’m glad they were smart enough to snatch you up).

  2. This is the shiznick, as I didn’t want to apply to Chicago! I have time to take one course at Caltech next semester through Oxy’s exchange program…please consider teaching GR at the level of your book. At the least, I’ll be looking for you so I can have a signed copy. You’re the man!

  3. KICK @SS! i dont know if this is considerd a family blog, and i usualy dont swear, but somethings are just to exciting to use words any less powerful.

  4. Sean,

    Let me add my best wishes to you. You will now be that much closer to the movie capitol of the world 😉 as well as some major league poker rooms.

    Sorry to see you leave Chicago however. Are you hanging here for the summer or headed out there soon?



  5. That’s great news! Welcome to California where it’s always sunny and…let me stop right there. Chicago really seems to be screwed up.

  6. Congratulations Sean, that’s a big catch for Caltech and a loss
    for us in Chicago. We will miss you.

  7. Congrats, this is wonderful news! A close friend from grad school is also just moving there, I’ll put you two in touch.

  8. Congratulations, Sean. Caltech is a wonderful environment and you will love it. I also can’t wait for your new cosmological ideas.

    You will be dearly missed in Chicago!


  9. Congratulations, Sean! Thanks for sharing this (long-awaited) news with your readers. I wish you all the best.

  10. Congratulations! Best of luck at my alma mater. Now CV will have the right balance — 60% California bloggers.

  11. Congratulations and good luck!

    I hope you do continue to teach, at least sometimes, as your class was one of the best-taught of my undergraduate career.

  12. Sean, sounds like you have the best of many worlds.

    Congratulations and keep us informed of your change of State!!

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