Slowly digested

Professor Stephen Bainbridge (via Orin Kerr) looks at the evidence and notices something:

After catching up on the first day of the Alito hearings, one conclusion seems inescapable; namely, that Alito is more machine now than man; twisted and evil. He yearns to take liberals, women, minorities, gays, small children, and puppies to the Dune Sea, and cast them into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlaac, in whose belly they will find a new definition of pain and suffering as they are slowly digested over a thousand years. (Or maybe it’s the slavering maw of Cthulhu the Great. I zoned out for awhile during Durbin’s opening remarks.)

What he somehow neglected to mention was:

Senate Democrats, in response, considered staging a filibuster to thwart the nomination, but decided it would not be dignified.

[Bonus pedantic explanation, since it’s the internet: Bainbridge, who supports Alito, was being sarcastic. That bit about the all-powerful Sarlaac? Not actually true. He is therefore implicitly urging that Alito be confirmed, since apparently not throwing puppies into the pit of Carkoon is now the standard for being elevated to the Supreme Court. I, in turn, was being counter-sarcastic, implicitly suggesting that spineless Democrats wouldn’t necessarily do their best to thwart a nomination even if those poor puppies lives were at stake. Putting up a fight might be worth a try.]

1 Comment

1 thought on “Slowly digested”

  1. Unfortunately we continue to pay for the fact that the 2000 election was stolen (and I mean that in its most explicit way) by Bush due to deliberate and fraudulent removal of legitimate minority voters in Florida.

    This was effectively a bloodless coup and the nomintation of Alito is but one of the many horrible consequences of that event.

    Unfortunately I am afraid, despite any protestations by the democrats, he will become our next SC justice.

    Another sad day for America.


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