For the last couple of weeks, Chicago has been enjoying marvelous spring-like weather. Now that it is deep into spring, they are predicting snow for this weekend. Good timing for me, as I am off to LA to give a colloquium at USC on Monday.
The weather was quite nice at the APS meeting last week in Tampa. Here’s an exciting action photo of some of the best and brightest of our nation’s young cosmologists, hard at work investigating the secrets of the universe.

L to R: Uros Seljak, Arthur Kosowsky, Hiranya Peiris, Rachel Bean, Mark Trodden, Arielle Phillips, Bhuvnesh Jain. Mark has a more substantive report on the conference (also here).
Which reminds me that Lawrence Krauss is stalking me. Not only did he give about twenty talks at the APS meeting, and not only did we bump into him at the restaurant we went to while escaping the throngs of physicists, but he was also at Notre Dame, giving a public talk on the cosmological constant the very evening after our conference in honor of Father McMullin. (And his name is even popping up in the blogs I read.) A couple of us tried to go to Lawrence’s talk, but problems getting his Mac to communicate with the projector meant that he started about 45 minutes late. We had to bug out early, or run the risk of missing the free food and wine at the conference dinner. So Lawrence, if you’re reading this, it wasn’t that we weren’t fascinated.