We get letters

Not everyone is appreciative of our efforts to explain dark energy to a wider audience.

From: [redacted]@aol.com

Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 14:19:00 EST
Subject: dark junk hoax
To: carroll@theory.uchicago.edu

i am amazed you morons are trying to keep this crap alive...along with
'inflation'....hawking as i do thinks it is junk.....why cant you acknowledge that
hoyle, narlikar, and burbridge are right with their ideas published 3-4 yrs
ago...i know that none of you can admit that halton arp is dead right with
his postulate that redshift is not solely distance related.....the whole of us
and british scientific punditry have so much reputations at stake that they
will never accord hoyle, arp and others the recognition due......and you fools
have wasted 30 yrs and billions of dollars in an obscece 'cover-your-ass'
endeavor...you make me sick

If anyone’s interested, Ned Wright has done a thorough job of explaining why some “alternatives” to the Big Bang are all miserable failures. My own intemperate thoughts are here. Amazing to me how emotional people get about this.