I can’t even resist the ordinary greasy Philly cheesesteaks, going so far as to search out good ones here in Chicago. (Clark Street Dog does an acceptable job.) Now they’ve gone upscale.

To quote the article:
Served with a small bottle of champagne, Barclay Prime’s cheesesteak is made of sliced Kobe beef, melted Taleggio cheese, shaved truffles, sauteed foie gras, caramelized onions and heirloom shaved tomatoes on a homemade brioche roll brushed with truffle butter and squirted with homemade mustard.
Perfectly calibrated, in other words, to appeal all at once to both the shameless hedonist side and the scruffy Philadelphian within me. (Although they should skip the mustard and go with gourmet ketchup instead.) Hmm, I’m visiting Penn next week to give a colloquium; think they’ll spring for dinner?