8 thoughts on “How to Build a Cloud Chamber to Detect Cosmic Rays”

  1. Way cool!

    From what I remember, a cyclotron is within the skill set of a dedicated high school student, for those wanting to do hands-on particle physics…here’s hoping Samantha does a follow-up video someday!


  2. REALLY SUPER… When I was a kid, I tried to build a cloud chamber after seeing a film at school… it was difficult getting dry ice, but I got some. My vague guide from the film involved an iron and cardboard with rubbing alcohol and a jar… didn’t work…or maybe I just didn’t know what to expect… I was soooo disappointed… later I went to the science museum and the display was down… bummer… this little video is really great! I hope some kids, especially little girls like the one in the video, do this and it works… GREAT STUFF!

  3. This is the first time I’ve seen science done from a booster seat.

    I think billions of people were just reclassified as “late bloomers”.

  4. Seems like it would be a lot easier to detect cosmic background radiation. All you would have to do is turn your television to a channel you don’t get, or you could turn your radio to a station that you don’t get in your area. A lot of people are only able to detect it in high definition, and they don’t even realize it.

  5. edward hessler

    Oh, my! what a combination of lecture skills embedded in the context of demonstrating. She is a delight and her affection for what she is doing is clear as a bell. I loved the way she slipped on her goggles. It seemed a natural move.

    And the ending not only made them laugh, but me, too. Ah the sharing of giddiness.

    Your introduction was perfect but I agree with Mr. Dixon, your work (and you) are more often charming than not.

  6. kashyap vasavada

    Thanks for the post. This is a great little project for kids. I will ask my grand kids to try it out in summer!

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